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Terms and Conditions

Important starting points

Itineraries, travel times, day-to-day programme, price list and other information provided by Snowstorm Adventures are determined a long time in advance, preferably a year or more. This information may therefore be incorrect before the journey begins, or changes may occur after the journey has begun. Our itineraries are therefore to be considered provisional. In such cases, we as the organiser, in cooperation with our local organisers, aim to replace the canceled or changed program with equivalent content of the same quality. Normally, such changes will be announced as soon as we are aware of the matter. Snowstorms Adventures does everything in our power to solve any problems that may arise along the way but this in adventure travel and in destinations particularly prone to logistical disruptions.


On our journeys, dangers and accidents can occur. As a customer, you must be aware that participation is at your own risk and you are responsible for ensuring you have appropriate insurance or for the costs of any recovery or medical expenses. This element is far more prominent on our trips than on most other trips with regular tour operators. As examples - and not as an exhaustive list - it can be mentioned that the risk of frostbite, falling into crevasses, dehydration, hypothermia, broken bones, altitude sickness etc. can occur. Our tour guides are experienced in our destinations and their instructions must be followed. If accidents or discomfort nevertheless occur, neither we nor the tour leader can be held responsible.


​Our journeys often take place in weather-prone areas, and the journey is based on logistics that are vulnerable to difficult weather, technical problems or simply accidents. This could mean, for example, that we do not make it to our planned destination within the expected timeframe or that we have to change our destination from that planned.. In such cases, we will try to be helpful so that the participants can change the return time on the flight ticket and/or plan onward travel, but we will not be responsible for any additional costs as a result.


The safety of the participants on the trip will always be the focus for our tour leaders and for us. Unexpected situations may arise due to weather conditions, temperatures, illness etc. If, according to the tour leader's assessment of safety for all participants, it is necessary to make changes to the trip, after it has started, you are obliged to follow the changed plan. Additional costs as a result of new tickets, transport costs, board and lodging etc. must be covered by you. So far, we have not had to make any such changes to a trip, but this is no guarantee that it cannot happen on your journey.

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before signing up

The points below, together with the information in the detailed program, and our payment and cancellation policy, constitute our terms of agreement. If Snow storm Adventures provides information about changes to the itinerary, conditions etc. before purchasing the trip, this corrected information will replace corresponding points in the detailed programme. 

Your responsibilities

General points

Any cancellation must be made in writing immediately after you become aware that you cannot participate. You yourself are responsible for contacting your insurance company. Any amounts that may be refundable are set out in the payment and cancellation policy.


You are required to, and it is your responsibility to ensure that  you do, have a valid passport for the journey.


You are obliged to have taken out full sickness and accident insurance appropriate for the level of activity you will be participating in. This should also cover any rescue, transport and repatriations costs.. Proof of such travel insurance must be brought and presented. If you have any questions about the level of insurance coverage required please get in touch  but note that we are not an insurance advisory service. It is your responsibility to ensure that any insurance you purchase is appropriate.


You yourself are responsible for checking that the documents you receive from us match your order.


On all journeys, you yourself are responsible for booking airline tickets and transport to and from the journey's start and end points, but Snowstorm Adventures can provide recommendations on some options that would work with the expected schedule of your trip.


Your health and fitness

Some of our journeys are physically, mentally and technically demanding. You must therefore be in good physical and mental shape and well technically prepared upon departure. Snowstorm Adventures will detail which physical, mental and technical requirements apply well in advance of the trip. We reserve the right to reject participants who do not meet the necessary physical, technical and psychological standards and you will be liable for your own costs to leave the trip. Of course we will try to help you arrange this and try to be kind to you whilst also ensuring the quality of the trip for the other guests.


You must make us aware in advance of the trip of any health conditions which could affect your ability to participate or require extra attention from you to manage while on the trip.


On some of our trips, you are required to fill in a health form when registering. In special cases, we can also require a doctor's signature. We keep your health form secure and delete it after the trip has ended. When registering, you are responsible for returning the health form within 2 weeks (3 weeks where a doctor's certificate is required). When registering close to departure, this is by agreement. If you return the health certificate at a later time than required, and because of circumstances he cannot go on the trip, the same fees and financial burdens apply as in the case of a cancellation.


You are responsible for keeping the organiser informed of any changes to the personal information and health form so that information arrives in time.


Behaviour and attitude on the trip

You must follow the instructions and directions given by the tour leaders on the journey/trip.


During the trip, you are obliged to comply with the rules and regulations issued by public authorities, the organiser or the organiser's representatives, including any regulations that may have been issued by the individual hotel, carrier etc.


You must not act in such a way that it is a nuisance to your fellow travelers. If you grossly disregard your responsibilities and duties, you may be refused participation or excluded from the rest of the tour without being able to claim reimbursement from the organiser. In the event of exclusion after the journey has begun, you may be required to bear the costs of the return journey yourself. You can be made liable for damages if you intentionally or negligently cause the organiser a loss, e.g. by not complying with the provisions mentioned above.

Special conditions for trips which involve personal or life coaching

If your trip includes an aspect of coaching such as on the Winter Resilience Retreat please note the following additional points:


  • Individual coaching conversations are confidential and additionally, the coach will treat as confidential anything you say in any group coaching settings.  

  • If anything arises that leads the coach to be concerned about your safety or wellbeing, others’ safety or wellbeing, or potential serious illegality, they have a professional duty to follow the law and to protect individuals.  They may therefore have to reveal such information to protect individuals.  Unless instructed by law, they would discuss the issue with you and how you should manage the situation together. 

  • Coaching is not intended as a replacement to therapy or any kind of psychological or psychiatric treatment.

  • Any coaching sessions that you undertake with the coach that are not specified to be included in the trip, will be subject to additional fees and the terms and conditions of the coaching provider.

Minimum number of participants

For our group trips, a minimum number of participants is required for the trip to be completed. If we do not achieve a minimum number, it may still happen that we wish to carry out the journey for a smaller price supplement. Should this price supplement exceed 10% of the total sum of the trip, the traveler has the right to cancel the trip with a full refund. 


If we have to cancel the trip as a result of too few participants, the traveler will be notified of this no later than 42 days before departure. In that case, the entire amount paid will be refunded.

Rights in connection with text and image use

On those trips where a blog or social media is published, participants will be referred to by their first names. Snowstorm Adventures also actively uses tour photos in its marketing communications. These images can be used in various media. If you do not wish to take part in such photos, let the tour leader know before departure.


Coaching courses are exempt from this because we understand you may wish to keep your attendance private.

Complaints and disputes

If you believe that there is something wrong with the trip, or you have a desire to make a complaint, you must raise this with the tour leader immediately. If the problem is not rectified and you wish to lodge a complaint about the trip when you return home, a written, reasoned complaint must be sent to Snowstorm Adventures no later than one month after the trip has ended.


Please note abusive, threatening or hateful communication will not be tolerated.


If a dispute arises regarding the understanding of the above travel conditions, this can be brought before a dispute resolution body. Any lawsuit must be governed by Norwegian law.


Snowstorm Adventures reserves the right to amend and correct any misprints.

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