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Expedition Support

Planning an independent Hardangarvidda expeditions and need a fixer? Need a local who knows polar travel and can smooth out logistics for you? We're based in Finse and we can help.

We can help with:

Snowstorm Adventures is based in Finse right on the edge of the Hardangarvidda National Park. If you want to run an independent private or solo expedition, we are perfectly located to help you with logistics and travel safety support.


Historically, this area has been used since back in the days of Amundsen and Shackleton as training grounds for more testing expeditions. Perhaps you want to practise your solo skills or your winter skills alone before moving to even wilder destinations like Greenland or the Antarctic.


For your Norway ski expedition on the Hardangarvidda, we can help you coordinate equipment rental, shipping and receiving equipment, ordering food in-country, advice on route planning and tasks like receiving daily scheduled calls when you are in the field and need someone to know where you are.​​

Get in touch, tell us about your idea and we'll let you know if we can help.
No idea too small and underdogs are particularly welcome.

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